Just a tip. You can get all these underground records if you are in the right place at the right time. Underground is not an end in itself, well almost not, but it is not agency music and also not pure entertainment music and also not hobby music, but it is self-empowerment, self-organization, only in this way can new paths be found. Not a single music genre was invented by the record industry. It was never just fun and games. It takes work, love for what you do and for those who came before you. And above all, it means breaking new ground. Even if it doesn’t make the money ring in the till. What would SUN Records, this original cell to which we owe almost everything, be if it hadn’t been absolutely new and at the same time absolutely true to the music of its time? Nothing. And with a bit of luck, you’d still be dancing the polka to three-four time.
Support it. You’re welcome to start with us đ but there are many more.